10 Useful Commands for Git Stash

Feb 7, 2021 ยท 1 min read
posted in devops

a lego man with a stash

The git stash command is handy when you need to switch to another branch but you're not ready to create a commit.

1. Stash Your Work for Later

git stash

It's like doing a commit, without having to create a message. When you run this command you'll see your work disappear in front of your eyes. Don't worry it's safe!

2. Stash With a Message

git stash save message...

Your stashes are usually saved with a default name like stash@{1} for the most recent stash. This is what you'll use to apply the stash later. When you have multiple stashes it's handy to have names for them so you have a quick idea of what the stash was for.

3. Stash on a New Branch

git stash branch <name> stash@{1}

This will create a new branch with your stash already applied.

4. View Your Stashes

git stash list

5. View Your Stashes With Dates

git stash list --date=local

6. Inspect a Stash

git stash show stash@{0}

7. Restore the Most Recent Stash and Delete It

git stash pop

Not something I use often. I prefer to keep the stash after I've applied it, just incase I want to reset and start over.

8. Delete a Specific Stash

git stash drop stash@{0}

9. Delete All Your Stashes

git stash clear

10. Apply a Stash

git stash apply stash@{0}

Apply the stash named stash@{0} (most recent one), while retaining it.

Final Note

I hope you found this useful. Let me know if you know of any useful git stash commands.



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